Health check-up program for social security schem

Hospital News

06 Jul 2023

Health check-up program for social security schem 
        Annual health check-ups are something that everyone should prioritize, as they allow for health screening, evaluation, and guidance for taking care of the body. For individuals who are covered by the "Social Security" insurance, there is no need to worry about the cost, as they can receive a free annual health check-up according to the conditions specified in the schedule shown in the image.


Recommendations before the health check-up:

  • Please check your eligibility for the social security health check-up with the hospital before receiving the service.
  • Fast (refrain from eating and drinking) for at least 8-10 hours before the service.
  • Ensure an adequate rest of at least 6 hours before the health check-up.
  • Avoid consuming alcohol for at least 24 hours.
  • If you have any chronic illnesses or other health records, please bring the test results or reports from your physician for diagnosis reference.

      Undergoing an annual health check-up using social security benefits is a valuable privilege that many may not be aware of or overlook. All insured individuals can utilize this right to receive a free annual health check-up at Ratchasima Hospital.


  • Please make an appointment in advance before receiving the service.
  • Conditions are subject to the regulations of the hospital.


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