Hepatitis B is incurable! How to protect?

Health News

12 Sep 2024
Hepatitis B is incurable! How to protect?

      Hepatitis B is a liver disease caused by the hepatitis B virus (HBV), leading to liver inflammation. The virus infiltrates liver cells, causing inflammation. In some cases, the virus may reside in the body for years without the infected person being aware (carrier status). The virus can rapidly replicate within liver cells, leading to liver inflammation and damage. Today, we share 7 ways to protect yourself from hepatitis B.

  • Get regular health check-ups every year, especially liver screenings once a year, and periodic liver cancer screenings. 
  • Get vaccinated against hepatitis B if your body lacks immunity. 
  • Avoid taking medications frequently and for long periods without medical supervision. 
  • Refrain from consuming alcohol. 
  • Exercise regularly and eat a balanced diet to boost your immune system. 
  • Practice safe sex. 
  • Avoid contact with the blood and bodily fluids of infected individuals.

      Acute hepatitis B infection often resolves within 6 months, after which the body develops natural immunity and the person will not contract the disease again. However, if the body cannot clear the virus, it may progress to chronic hepatitis B, a lifelong condition that cannot be cured but can be managed to reduce severity. The best prevention is vaccination, which can be given from birth. If not vaccinated, protection can be achieved by using condoms during sex and avoiding sharing personal items like toothbrushes or razors.

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