Misconception! “Drink alcohol to cure the cold” More dangerous than you think

Health News

12 Dec 2024
Misconception! “Drink alcohol to cure the cold” More dangerous than you think

      During the winter season, temperatures drop significantly in the northern and northeastern regions of the country. To combat the cold, some people turn to alcohol, believing it warms the body. This is a dangerous misconception that can lead to fatal consequences. Initially, alcohol dilates the capillaries under the skin, creating a fleeting sensation of warmth. However, this also increases heat loss, causing the body temperature to drop further. Here are some proper ways to stay warm and safe during winter.

  • exercise regularly, eat a balanced diet, drink warm beverages, and apply moisturizers to protect your skin  
  • prepare warm clothing, and for second-hand clothes, sanitize them with disinfectant or boiling water to prevent skin infections 
  •  avoid consuming alcohol or any alcoholic beverages during cold weather 
  • monitor individuals taking certain medications, such as sedatives or anticonvulsants, which can lower body temperature 
  • follow the principles of "cover, wash, avoid, stop" to prevent influenza and food and waterborne illnesses, and practice "eat hot food, use serving spoons, and wash hands" for hygiene 
  • keep your body warm and stay in a sheltered, windproof environment  

      In previous winters, reports have highlighted fatalities from excessive alcohol consumption. Many people mistakenly believe that alcohol provides warmth, but its effects are only temporary. Moreover, alcohol significantly impacts the liver, leading to conditions such as fatty liver, hepatitis, and liver cancer. Other health risks include high cholesterol, diabetes, strokes, and accidents.  

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