Turning off the lights while using your mobile phone is more dangerous than you think.

Health News

19 Sep 2023

Turning off the lights while using your mobile phone is more dangerous than you think.

      Prolonged staring at the screens of mobile phones, tablets, or computers is considered a behavior that has adverse effects on eye health. Moreover, for those who enjoy using their devices in the dark, especially before bedtime or in dark rooms, did you know that you might be harming your eyes without even realizing it?

The risks include :

  • Eye irritation, Dry eyes
  • Watery eyes, Headaches
  • Blurred or rapidly worsening vision
  • Increased risk of myopia 
  • Damage to eye nerves leading to blurred vision
  • Possible risk of blindness
      If using your mobile phone in the dark has become a regular habit, you should now see the potential dangers that may be more severe than you think. Therefore, stop harming yourself and switch to using your phone in well-lit rooms for the best.

The danger of using a smartphone in the dark doesn't only affect your eyes but can also impact your muscles:

  • There may be muscle pain in the neck, shoulders, and back due to holding the smartphone in the same position for a long time.
  • There may be symptoms of carpal tunnel syndrome, one of the early warning signs of office syndrome.
  • It can lead to "text neck."

There are other dangers of smartphone use as well :

  • Using a smartphone before bed and not getting enough sleep can make your brain feel tired and fatigued throughout the day. This can lead to poor memory and reduced cognitive abilities because the brain doesn't function at its best.
  • Inadequate rest or sleep disturbance due to blue light can result in reduced efficiency of the body's metabolism. Additionally, if you don't feel drowsy, you might end up eating late at night, which can ultimately lead to obesity.
Ways to avoid the dangers of using a smartphone in the dark :
  • Get enough sleep and rest for 6-8 hours.
  • Drink water frequently to keep your eyes moist. If you experience severe dry eyes or wear contact lenses, consider using artificial tears.
  • Ensure the room is adequately lit.
  • Avoid lying down while using a smartphone, as the screen won't receive sufficient light from ceiling lights. Even when lying on your side, it can strain your eyes more than usual.
  • Don't stare at the smartphone screen for too long; take short breaks every 20-30 minutes.

      If using your mobile phone in the dark has become a regular habit, you should now see the potential dangers that may be more severe than you think. Therefore, stop harming yourself and switch to using your phone in well-lit rooms for the best.



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