Warning sign! macular degeneration

Health News

06 May 2023

Warning sign! macular degeneration
      Macular degeneration is a degenerative disease of the central part of the retina. Symptoms tend to come on gradually. It usually occurs in people aged 50 years and over. What is worrying is that this disease often does not show symptoms in the early stages. But if left for a long time, the disease spreads. It can cause the patient to lose central vision. Here is a warning sign. 'Degenerative retinopathy' for everyone

  • See black spots in the eyes.
  • See a flash of light in my eyes.
  • Partial loss of vision.
  • Suddenly dim eyes.
  • Seeing crooked or crooked images only in the middle.
  • See temporarily darkened and get better.

     Although there is no visual abnormality. But eye health checks are important things that should not be neglected. The general public should have an eye examination. (Including retinal examination) every 2-4 years and for those over 50 years old, retinal examination by an ophthalmologist should be done every 1-2 years if there are any of the 6 symptoms mentioned above. A thorough retinal examination is recommended to prevent further progression of the disease.


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